Sr. Jean Marie Andrews FMDM: A Life Remembered (1930 – 2016)
On 17 March 2016, we mourn the loss of Sr. Jean Marie Andrews. She will be sadly missed particularly in Singapore & Malaysia region. Although born in Penang, Malaysia, she spent most of her life in Singapore. We thank God for the gift of Jean Marie’s life to FMDM Congregation and may she now rest in peace. The Eulogy delivered on day of Funeral Mass: Sr. Jean Marie Andrews – A Life Remembered
Sr. Jean Marie was Spiritual Assistant to the SFO St. Clare’s Fraternity, Singapore. At the Funeral Mass, a Tribute to Sr. Jean Marie was given by the SFO Fraternity.
In April 2006, Sr. Jean Marie celebrated her Golden Jubilee of Religious Life and her vocation story was featured in the Catholic News SINGAPORE. It seemed fitting to share this article with our readers. To read, click on highlighted text: The Joy Of Being A Nun (CN Singapore, May 2006)