The Region in the East consists of Singapore & Malaysia, each with its own Coordinator.
- At a glance – Serving All With Love at Mount Alvernia Hospital SINGAPORE. To read click on highlight Mount Alvernia Hospital Singapore 2017 Year in Review
- FMDM history in Singapore: ‘In their Shoes’ (page 18) featured in My Alvernia Magazine – Issue #33 My-Alvernia_issue33_FA2_130218
It is not every day that one gets to meet the President of Singapore!
There was great excitement and joy when President Halima Yacob visited patients, staff and volunteers in the new Assisi Hospice Singapore on 29 September 2017. FMDM Sisters were delighted to have a group photo with their President. Assisi Hospice SINGAPORE.
Diamond Jubilarian – Sister Marie Louise Cordeiro
On 17 September 2017 Sr. Marie Louise celebrated her Diamond Jubilee with her community at St. Francis Convent Singapore. She was delighted that her two siblings from Singapore and relatives from Australia were able to come for this special occasion. Fr. Michael Arro MEP was the celebrant at the Jubilee Mass. Sharing by Sister Marie Louise Cordeiro FMDM
CONGRATULATIONS to Golden Jubilarian – Sr. Catherine Tay
On 15 August 2017 there was great rejoicing when priests, parishioners, friends, Nicholas (Catherine’s brother) and his wife, Sr. Connie from Malaysia (FMDM representative) gathered in the Church of Our Lady’s Assumption Mandurah Western Australia for the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of Sr. Catherine Tay which coincided with the Parish Feast Day Mass. The celebrants at Mass were Father Tony Chiera, Vicar General of the Bunbury Diocese, Western Australia, three Carmelites Priests from the Parish and Fr O’Brien.
It seemed fitting for Catherine to celebrate with the priests, parishioners and friends in Australia as she had given many years of her life and mission there. Congratulations Catherine on reaching this golden milestone. We thank God for you and for your many years of service and commitment in Australia. After Mass, the celebration continued in the Parish Centre with a festive meal and the cutting of the Jubilee cake.
CONGRATULATIONS to Golden Jubilarian – Sr. Anne Goh
On 12 August 2017, FMDM sisters from Malaysia and Singapore, siblings of Anne gathered in St. Francis Convent Singapore to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Sr Anne Goh. Frs Simon Pereira and Paul Pang, the Redemptorists were the celebrant at the special Mass (group photo in the Convent Chapel). This was followed by a special meal and cake cutting.
On 19 March 2017, Channel News Asia’s documentary ‘In My Own Way’ featured FMDM Sisters in Singapore. Here is the excerpt from the documentary about the work of the FMDM Sisters. To view video click on highlight.
AS THE NAME IMPLIES, the Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood is an international Catholic congregation of sisters following Christ in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. Willing to serve anywhere in the world, their mission is to share in Mary’s divine motherhood. As Mary conceived Christ in her womb and brought him forth for the world, so they are called to conceive Christ in their hearts and bring him forth for the world today, nurturing the life of Christ in those they encounter.
By being a channel of God’s maternal love, they help others to recognize the loving presence of God in their daily experiences.
Although healthcare has been a major part of the mission of the FMDM Sisters, today their mission is finding new ways of expression. Their present ministries are diverse and geared especially to the family, children and women.

Mission Statement
As Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood (FMDM), we are called to proclaim with our lives the joy and freedom of the Gospel in the spirit of St. Francis and Clare of Assisi. Our Charism encourages us to conceive, birth, and nurture the life of Christ – which is a life of love – in our hearts, in our communities and in our society. We are one in mission although our ministries are diverse.
The immediate pre-story of the coming of our Sisters – Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood – first to Singapore and later to Malaysia, is set beyond the Island Gateway to The East; beyond Hong Kong; beyond Shanghai; beyond a six-hundred mile journey up the Yangtze; beyond Hankow, in the ancient walled city of Anlu in the Sui-hsien Province of China.
To Anlu, in the high summer of 1947, came Mother Angela McBrien and Sisters Camillus Walsh and Baptista Hennessy. Young women of deep faith, ready to venture unreservedly for Christ and his Church, they had been commissioned in faraway England to partner the Irish Friars Minor in their Franciscan Missionary. A brief history of FMDM history in Singapore. To read, click here
MINISTRIES: Wherever we live, we seek opportunities to outreach in pastoral care of the sick, elderly and those with special needs, education and the wide scope of parish ministry. Every gift and talent can be used to enable the wholeness of persons.
Our Divine Motherhood charism enhances our desire to nurture life in all those we meet, and in the spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi who had a special love for the poor and marginalised. We strive to witness to Christ’s loving presence among people we encounter in daily life.
WE REMEMBER IN OUR PRAYERS – Sisters Monica Pau, Jean Marie Andrews, Agnes Kong, Regina Pacis Heng, Siena Pillai. May they rest in peace.
Sr. Jean Marie Andrews: the Joy of being a nun; Remembering Sr. Agnes Kong FMDM
Coordinator for SINGAPORE: Sister Anne Goh
E: Address: St. Francis Convent 810 Thomson Road Singapore 574625
Mount Alvernia Hospital Singapore:
Assisi Hospice Singapore: