Our FMDM family

multigroupOur Sisters

Our sisters come from many different countries and backgrounds. Our communities are usually international and multicultural and lead to a great richness of experience for all of us.

Meet some of our sisters.

Our Associates

The word “Associate” comes from the Latin ad socius, which means literally “One who is companion to or allied with”. Associates of the FMDMs respond in the Spirit of Mary and Francis to a vocation which is distinct, but which runs parallel to that of the Sisters. Associates may be married or single, women or men, ordained or lay.

Associates in SingaporeAssociates in Singapore

“The Associate vocation is a call from God and commitment is a serious step by which the associate pledges to live the Gospel and, in union with FMDMs everywhere, to strive to live in peace and harmony with God, with all people and with the whole of creation”
FMDM Associates’ Leaflet

Meet some of our Associates.