The FMDM in Nigeria is 70 this year (2020) and what better way to celebrate than to have a secretariat to go with this memorial year. The secretariat named St Francis Secretariat was opened on the 29th September 2020, and is located close to our community house at Rantya, State Low-cost, in Jos, Plateau State.
The Eucharistic celebration marking the opening was officiated by the Provincial Superior of the Augustinian Order, Fr. John Abubakar along with Fr. Patrick Sheyi and Fr. Raymond Hickey. Also, in attendance were our Associates and lay partners.
Mission statement of FMDM Secretariat: As Franciscan missionaries of the Divine Motherhood (FMDM), we are called to proclaim with our lives the joy and freedom of the Gospel in the same spirit of Francis and Clare of Assisi. Our charism encourages us to conceive, birth, and nurture the life of love in our society. e are one in our mission although our ministries are diverse.
To read more, click on this link The new FMDM Secretariat in Nigeria
FMDM Nigeria has three established communities – Yola, Jos and Tunkus.
We were invited to go to Nigeria by the Augustinian Fathers and in 1950 four sisters set sail. After a three week journey they landed in Lagos and made their way to Yola, Northern Nigeria, where our first Nigerian community was established. The sisters worked in the local hospital and in the mission school. This community still thrives today with sisters involved in teaching, pastoral work, health care and prison ministry.
There are two other communities, both in northern Nigeria – one in JOS, and one in TUNKUS, a rural village outside the town of SHENDAM. Our Jos community is a house of formation for young women who feel called to religious life. In Jos we welcome visitors from far and wide who are visiting Northern Nigeria. Sisters minister in the prisons, the remand home, the local parish, school and various local outreach programmes.
New Mission House in Tunkus, Plateau State. At the invitation of the Bishop of Shendam, we have now a community in Tunkus. There was great excitement and joy when three FMDM Sisters Judith Mwango, Nenlidang Gochin and Philomina Nyimkor began the arduous task of settling in our new Mission in Tunkus. They have no running water so they collect water from the main borehole in the village. Tunkus is a village in the Shendam Diocese in Plateau State NE Nigeria. FMDM were invited to the diocese by the local bishop, Bishop James. The people of Tunkus were so delighted to have sisters in their community that the local chief lent us this house until we can build our own. While the sisters research where they can best serve in this area they have begun giving classes to some of the local children. The sisters also run adult literacy classes and are very involved in parish activities. The sisters are living and working alongside the local people whilst exploring how best we can serve this small community. New Mission house in Tunkus, Nigeria. To read more, click here
DAMIETTA PEACE INITIATIVE. FMDM Sisters in Nigeria also play a leading role in the Damietta Peace Initiative thus sharing our Franciscan Values of Peace and Reconciliation with the people of Jos and surrounding neighbourhoods. To read click:
FINAL PROFESSIONG OF Sisters Elizabeth Kwata and Judith Igbojionu
On 14th October 2016 we rejoiced with Elizabeth and Judith who made their FINAL PROFESSION of Religious Vows in St. Monica’s Catholic Church, Rantya NIGERIA. To view photos and article, click here
FINAL PROFESSION OF Sister Magdalene Cletus
On December 2014, we rejoiced and celebrate with Sr. Magdalene Cletus who made her FINAL PROFESSION of Religious Vows as an FMDM Sister. The ceremony was held in St. Mary’s Church, Yola.
FMDM Associates. On 3oth June 2017, eight women and man renewed their commitment in our Assisi Community in Jos. There was great rejoicing. Congratulations to our FMDM Associates. There are 15 FMDM Associates. Three made their First Commitment last year and this year, another 12 will make their First Commitment. The group meets regularly with Sr. Lucy Bello FMDM who is the Associate Coordinator for Nigeria. FMDM Associates gathering in Jos. To read more, click here
Contact Information for vocations: Sister Lucy Bello FMDM, Yola, Adamawa State, Jos, Plateau State. Email:
FMDM Country Leader: Sr Christiana Thomas E: