A Joyful Celebration – Blessing of new house in Coventry

On 20 August 2015, there was great excitement and joy when over 30 FMDM Sisters from England and Scotland made the long journey to Coventry for the blessing of our new convent – St Brigid’s.
It was a glorious day and we had the Mass in the garden to accommodate the big turnout of FMDM Sisters. We were blessed to have Fr. George Bennett, Parish Priest of St. Patrick’s Church to be the celebrant for the Mass. At the end of Mass, Fr. Bennett blessed every nook and corner of our house! This was followed by a beautiful lunch in the garden.
The two Community members – Sisters Frances and Anne have both been made very welcome in the parish. They have responded to the needs expressed by the parishioners. Sr. Frances is also a counsellor and sees clients both in Coventry and Tamworth. For more information visit: http://www.fwoolman.counselling.co.uk
May the Lord bless our new house in Coventry and may the new community truly be a blessing for the church and the needs of the people.
Blessing of new house in Coventry. To read about this joyful celebration, click here.