Golden Jubilarians in Zambia

CONGRATULATIONS to Sisters Ann Kelly and Jean Langley

Golden Jubilee

Sisters Ann Kelly and Jean Langley (L to R)Sisters Ann Kelly and Jean Langley (L to R)

On Sunday 12 February 2017 we rejoiced with our two Golden Jubilarians – Ann and Jean who had a joint celebration in our Rieti house, Zambia amongst FMDM Sisters, Associates and friends. Both have served in our missions in Zambia for many decades.

The Jubilee Mass was held on the big verandah of the house with about 70 people present and Fr Roy Thaden was the main celebrant. Congratulations Ann and Jean to have reached this golden milestone!

Golden Jubilee Reflection by Sr. Ann Kelly FMDM To read, click here

Golden Jubilee Reflection by Sr. Jean Langley FMDM To read, click here