The First Profession of Novice in Zimbabwe
It was a very special day for the community in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe when our novice Mercy Atsen Yakuba made her First Profession as a Franciscan Missionary of the Divine Motherhood (FMDM). The Rite of Religious Profession took place in Our Lady of Peace Church in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe on 7th October 2017. Fr. Christopher Sibanda, the Parish Priest was the main celebrant. The Youth choir led the exuberant singing and the six novices danced parts of the Mass. The homily was given by Fr. Peter Nkomozana CMM, the Provincial of the Marianists.
Four FMDM sisters travelled from Lusaka, Zambia to join with the sisters in Zimbabwe for the celebration. At the end of the Mass, Sr. Yeyani Nyoni read Mercy’s missioning from Sr Jane Bertelsen, Congregational Leader. Sr Mercy who is Nigerian will return to her own country and to Yola Mission to take up her first appointment. To view photos click here. First Profession of Sr. MercyAtsen Yakuba