Crib building service in Ladywell
CRIB BUILDING service is very special for children.
On 15 December 2016, there was great excitement and anticipation when children arrived with their parents in Ladywell for the service. Before entering the chapel, each child picked a slip of paper with an item written on it for them to bring to the crib. There were items for every child – food trough and sacks of grain, hens and chickens, cat and mice, pot of tools and ladder, lantern, water pots, ox and the donkey, stones, moss and trees, table and stools, fire, shepherds, sheep, lambs, sheep dogs, other animals, the manger, Mary and Joseph, angels, the star, palm trees, camel and the camel boy, three kings. The children were so happy in helping to build the crib. The joy on their faces (as well as their parents!) spoke volumes.
When the crib building was completed, all the children were invited to the sanctuary and together they sang ‘Away in a manger’ with such angelic voices. After which, the adults were invited to the sanctuary and the service ended with the carol ‘Silent Night’.
Bless all thy dear children in thy tender care….(part of the verse from Away in a Manger)
Many parents expressed their delight in participating in the Crib Building service. They feel that this event will make the days leading to Christmas Day a more meaningful, prayerful and joyful one.