‘Crib Building’ Service for children

On 17 December many children and their parents poured into Ladywell Chapel with great anticipation and excitement to “build” the crib. As each child arrived they picked a slip of paper with the items they were to bring to the crib. There was something for everyone to bring to the crib. There were food troughs, sacks of grain, ladders, all kinds of animals including cats and mice, ox and donkey, lambs and sheep dog. There were the shepherds and tables and stools for the ‘shepherds’ hut’ as well as a fire! There were the kings, camels and camel boys and of course……..Mary, Joseph and the Star!
As we built up our crib everyone discovered their best singing voices and sang all the familiar carol.
When the crib building was eventually completed, the children were invited to the sanctuary of the Chapel and to sit near the crib. Together they sang with one voice ‘Away in a Manger’ with such angelic voices. Many parents expressed their joy and some were heard saying “this really gets our Christmas going”……we would not miss this for the world” “I came last year and this year I brought my friend and her family” They were happy to see their children participate so happily and in such a respectful way. The children had a wonderful time but, actually, the ‘grown-ups’ – parents and our FMDM sisters enjoyed it just as much! To read more about this service, click below.
‘Crib Building’ service for children. To read more about this special occasion, click here.