Christmas celebration at Little Assisi, ZAMBIA

Little Assisi Christmas 2018Little Assisi is an FMDM project which reaches out to children with special needs and their families and offers them education and a safe place for them to develop their skills and their self-confidence.  There is very little, if any, government support for children with special needs.  Little Assisi not only offers education, physiotherapy and pastoral support but, with other similar charities, advocates on behalf of these families and supports events which help change the wider communities  understanding of both the needs and the potential of these children.

On 5 December 2018, the children and their families celebrated Christmas at Little Assisi which began with Mass and a Nativity play performed by the children. Mass was celebrated by the Kiltegan Frs Martine and Daniel. This was followed by a meal provided by a local hotel for 100 people – children, parents, staff and friends of Little Assisi. Stephen, one of the Kiltegan student, who was Santa Claus distributed presents for the children.