Central Leadership Handover

On the Feast of the Portiuncula – August 2nd 2013, Ladywell Chapel was filled to capacity with sisters and Ladywell staff  to witness the handing over of the Chapter Candle and Documents to Sister Jane Bertelsen and her Team by Sister Teresa Mitchell who has been congregational Leader for the past six years.Sister Jane Congregational Leader

Sr Jane, our new Congregational Leader, reflected on the significance of the new leadership team taking up their ministry on the Feast of the Portiuncula.

The Portiuncula is a small church in the valley below Assisi.  It was around this church that St Francis and the early brothers lived and formed community and discerned their mission.

 It was also the place where St Clare, the 1st Franciscan woman, committed herself to follow the same radical Gospel path Francis was walking.

It was at the Portiuncula that St Francis, just before he died said to his brothers:

“I have done what is mine to do may Christ teach you what is yours”.candle and books

Central Leadership Team