How would I know if God is calling me to be a Franciscan Missionary of the Divine Motherhood?

Again there are no simple answers to this question but unless you ask it and find avenues to answer it you may never know!
The following points may help:
- Have someone you can talk to about your searching. Spiritual Direction is important at this time and if you have not got someone you can talk with, contact us and we can help you find someone
- Take time to pray alone and with the church community asking God to show you where you are being led
- Spend time reflecting and praying with scripture especially the gospels
- Make contact with us and ask to visit one of our communities near you
- Ask yourself – does the idea of being a FMDM give you a sense of peace or anxiety?
- Take time to read about St Francis of Assisi
- Take time to find out about us through your contact with the Vocations Director or any of the sisters you may know.